Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge

In LIGHT of the 4th Day

In LIGHT of the 4th Day (how we on earth can calculate God’s Divine Calendar)


Sabbath/Saturday 20 October, 2018



In 2009 our family began keeping God’s Appointed times. We did it following the Jewish lunar calendar and at first it was trying to say the least.

 In 2010, another certain “scholar” published a work in support of the Solar/Lunar calendar. This meant that each new month reset the days and the count for Sabbath was determined by the cycle of the new moon. This made for the Sabbath to occur on a different day each month. We tried it for the sake of seeking out truth, but it felt like taking a shower and then putting back on the same underwear worn that day.

Then that same year, trying to work out the calendar in Enoch but without success at that time, we gave that up and went back to keeping the Moedim with the Jewish calendar.

 It wasn’t until a certain Sabbath in November of 2012, that everything fell into place. Looking for a certain book to continue with something else being studied, there was a stack of books I had gone through. Among them was Enoch and for some odd reason I picked it up and began riffling through the pages coming to the chapters regarding the calendar. Rereading, something just clicked into place, the light bulb came on.

 NOTE: To add a spiritual confirmation, my husband, has always been skeptical of everything we were doing since we began this journey. Arguing, debating which I attribute to his Baptist upbringing. The sense of tension emanating from him on the weekly Sabbaths and the times of observance for the Moedim. But that morning, when the epiphany struck me and I got excited and began to explain it, he was right on board. So much so that hwen I got out the graph paper and began working it, he suggested I use Microsoft Excel to lay it out, so I did with his help.

 So using Excel I was able to take this calendar and work it out through several upcoming years. The problem that I encountered however has to do with our solar year of 365.25 days as opposed to the Divine Year Calendar (DYCAL) of 364.

Clearly, a shift took place and even every leap year increased it pushing the first month of the DYCAL further backward. Realizing at that point there was a problem of how to correct it or we have been lied to about how many days the earth revolves around the sun.

 The problem of how to correct without breaking the cycle of perpetual beauty and simplicity of this calendar was not readily apparent. I had to trust that YHWH would show me a way and until He was ready to do that, our family had to just do the best we could with keeping the Feast days.

 As time went on from 2012, a few years out it became clear that there were within each of the subsequent years, times when the Feast days would align with the Jewish observance of them. In those years the Spring feasts might align but the fall feasts would not and the next year it would be opposite. It occurred to me that when the Jewish observance aligned with the DYCAL that those Moedim were very special. As time went on it became increasingly apparent that while gaining understanding of the DYCAL through rehearsal and practice, some flexibility must take place on some of the festivals which would line up. All that mattered was that the weekly Sabbaths remained as high days as even in the Gospel of John we are given a clue.

 Fast forwarding to 2017, the shift by now has become even greater and the increasing awareness of some way to correct or adjust must take place, but how?

There are many Enoch Calendar supporters out there, each having their own way to reset or adjust typically done by using the Spring and fall equinoxes; adding extra days at the end of a year; counting only 360 days or some other ways to try and compensate.

 The sign of Rev 12 which was supposed to occur on the evening of Saturday September 23rd of 2017 had been in the news off and on but for whatever reason, I had not paid much attention to it until the week before its occurrence. Here is an excerpt from my notes of what took place:

While our family is and has been using this calendar to keep the feast days by, we have no idea WHEN to actually begin it as we know that God Himself has to declare it just as He did in Genesis and just as He did to Israel in the wilderness. That being said then, while we are keeping it as it should be, we might be off by weeks. I have known this, but there is nothing that can be done because I have not heard from God to tell me and I believe that is just the way it must be for now.

 What does this all have to do with the Sept 23 Sign???

 We believe that Jesus was born on the 1st day of the Feast of Tabernacles and circumcised on the 8th day (Great Feast day), that this is in keeping with the patterns of God’s plan of redemption.

 We began the 7th month (according to our calculations of the DYCAL) on September 17th, making this coming Sept 23rd to be the 7th day, but NOW I wonder, IF that is wrong.

 WHY? Because if it is off by a week, then that would have made this past Monday evening (9th day at even) into Tuesday day, the Day of Atonement. I felt so odd yesterday as if something were happening. I felt off kilter can’t explain and the day just felt heavy and still couldn’t until today listening to this man on TV who said that the beginning (BEGINNING) of the birth pangs of the sign in heaven began on September 9th!!!

 Sept 9th would have been the intercalary Sabbath that precedes the 7th month, that would make the BEGINNING, on what we call Sunday, Sept 10th as it would have been the 1st day of the 7th month.

 Stay with me!!!

 IF Jesus was born on the first day of the FOT, then could this sign which happens on the (evening) of the 23rd be actually then, the 1st day of the FOTs (also a Sabbath) that is the  BEGINNING of the FOT????

Could this sign be patterned after His fleshly birth and coincide exactly with the sign of His birth in heaven on what might be even the same appointed times?? Was this God’s way of giving us a SIGN to know where we are in His Calendar???

 It was indeed by an entire 7 days off which made it easy to then correct. Taking this new information, I calculated it out into 2019.

Backing up a little, as a result of this new information, it got me to thinking about how would one know when the new year in Spring might occur if we couldn’t hear His voice, is there a way to know WHEN to begin? I believe the answer is yes. All we have to do is look to Genesis, to the first week, the Week of Creation.

 We know from that, the 4th day the sun and moon were created. We can assume they would be in their fullness just as Adam was formed as a man, the sun would be in a state of even hours, the moon would be full.

 So, if we have a Spring Equinox and a full moon which would both align with a certain 4th day of a week in Spring (what we call Wednesday), might this be the week by which we could know it would be the first week of the first month? It appears as such.

 What is even more startling is that taking the September 23rd sign of Rev 12, accepting and receiving it as the sign given in the time of the Feast of Tabernacles for the year we call 2017, making the proper adjustment based on this new information, when we calculate it out into 2019, something most amazing appears:

 In the Spring of 2019 the Spring EQ occurs on a Wednesday that being that 4th day of the week. Also on that Wednesday is the full moon. Both celestial events occur on a 4th day of the week!!!

 Based on this recalculation made possible by the Sept 23rd Rev 12 sign, and the fact that it leads us to a week which patterns completely after the Creation week, I feel that 2019 will be year to watch carefully.


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