Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge


Monday, 13 June, 2016

26thD, 3rdM


Christians believe that when they receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour, that they get the Holy Spirit as a package deal. But as we all know, there are many levels of what and how people walk when becoming a Christian. Some are more spirit filled than others. But did you know that even if you become filled, you can lose it also?


In the Bible, we find it in Psalm 51:


Psa 51:11  Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.


We find it even more I the Book of Wisdom that has been removed from Canon:


Wis 1:4  For into a malicious soul wisdom shall not enter; nor dwell in the body that is subject unto sin.

Wis 1:5  For the holy spirit of discipline will flee deceit, and remove from thoughts that are without understanding, and will not abide when unrighteousness cometh in.

Wis 1:6  For wisdom is a loving spirit; and will not acquit a blasphemer of his words: for God is witness of his reins, and a true beholder of his heart, and a hearer of his tongue.


The Seed of the Holy Spirit is planted within us when we receive Christ, but it is up to us to water it with studying the Word, praying, worship and praise of the Most High. We must walk according to His Word. If we do not, then He removes His Glory from us. Even those who are so upright and righteous, because they wear the flesh, can succumb to things that will offend and cause the Ruach Ha Kodesh to be removed. One who does walk in Righteousness will feel it when this happens, when they stumble, they will feel the emptiness and be terrified and it will cause them to fall to their knees asking forgiveness and repenting of whatever it was that caused the departure.


GUARD yourself well. Stay in the Word. Keep yourself from all iniquity and repent at all times, asking forgiveness and remove yourself from places, things and those who would cause distress. Do not witness to one who walks in darkness, yet go off into that secret place and pray for them. The Bride must be chaste.

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  • After I put this together and posted it, later in the afternoon watching some YT vids, someone who had a message she posted on June 4th but I only saw it yesterday afternoon, had to do with keeping from arguing, cussing, anger, etc. The enemy uses these things to cause division. But what really pricked my heart was what she said next:

    What if....you're in the middle of an argument, cussing up a storm when Jesus comes?? Do you think He would take one who was doing these things?

    Wow. Convicted. Last night when my family gathered for our Scripture reading, I discussed this with them so we must keep our guard on about these things. We must not let ourselves get rattled by what is happening around us either. Jesus told us to not worry about tomorrow it will take care of itself.

  • Perhaps also relevant in this context is the idea that Scriptures and some other extrabiblical texts teach that there are two spirits.  In Proverbs the Good Spirit is given the characterization as Wisdom, and the other is "the foriegn woman".  In the Dead Sea Scrolls there is a similar theme.  In the Community Rule document it is written:

    God created humanity to govern the world, and placed two spirits for them to walk in.   Behold one is the Spirit of Truth the other is the Spirit of Iniquity.   (1QSIII Column 3). 

    Similary John speaks of a "Spirit of Truth" and a "Spirit of Error" in 1 John.  And similar themes are found in 1 Enoch. 

    Perhaps that other spirit is the sort that animates some the wicked fruit that sprouts from the tree of earthly and fleshly religion. 

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